Francis Newlands’ Name on Historic Properties and Elements in Reno
The Historic Reno Preservation Society supports a thorough examination of all physical features carrying the Newlands name, including their original purpose and intent, as well as their historical and contemporary meaning. Because perceptions of that meaning may vary, we encourage the initiation of a community conversation that is inclusive, open, and welcoming of all viewpoints. As some physical features carrying the Newlands name, including the Newlands Manor stone pillars, Newlands Park, and the Newlands memorial tablet have been recognized as contributing elements to the National Register Newlands Historic District, we urge that great care be taken in their consideration and treatment.

Review HRPS Working Paper on the use of Francis G. Newlands' Name. HRPS Working Paper
How Features in Reno’s Old Southwest Acquired the Newlands Name: A Brief History
Written by Alicia Barber, PhD and ZoAnn Campana, MPS, this document provides background information and resources for the reader. It is not a description or an assessment of Francis G. Newlands’ deplorable views on race, nor does it seek to interpret the connection of the naming to those views. Newlands Naming Overview
Nomination Papers to create and place Newlands Historic District in the National Register of Historic Places
Authored by ZoAnn Campana, MPS, this nomination highlights the 171-acre district's historical and architectural significance from 1889 to 1965. Newlands Historic District National Register Nomination
Reno Gazette-Journal article by Anjeanette Damon describing issues and facts related to Newlands' name at Newlands Park
On July 20, 2020, Anjeanette Damon of the Reno Gazette Journal wrote an excellent article “Should Newlands (Park) be renamed? Elite Reno neighborhood grapples with its racist past.”
William Rowley wrote an article that appeared in the 1974 Nevada Historical Society Quarterly titled "Francis G. Newlands: A Westerner's Search For a Progressive and White America."
[Historian William D. Rowley also authored Reclaiming the Arid West: The Career of Francis C. Newlands (American West in the Twentieth Century) in 1996; History of Nevada in 1973 and 2015; Reno: Hub of the Washoe County. An Illustrated History in 1984; Reclamation: The Bureau of Reclamation: Origins and Growth to 1945 in 2006; U.S. Forest Service Grazing and Rangelands: A History in 1985.]