Women drive across Nevada in support of women's suffrage (late 19-teens)
Governer Boyle signing resolution of radification of the 19th Amendment

In 2020, the Nevada State Historic Preservation Office received a federal grant through the National Park Service to create a Historic Context for Women's History in Nevada, with the goal of identifying places and properties associated with women's history and the suffrage movement in our state. Project coordinators ZoAnn Campana and Alicia Barber will discuss how they went about writing the context and how it can be put to use.

Dr. Alicia Barber is a writer and historian who specializes in the cultural history and landscapes of Nevada and the American West and collaborates statewide on public history projects through her consulting firm, Stories in Place.

ZoAnn Campana is an architectural historian and historic preservation consultant with Kautz Environmental Consultants of Reno. She works on cultural resource and architectural history projects throughout Nevada.

Women's Suffrage Video

Dr. Alicia Barber
ZoAnn Campana